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Vale Norma Malone (1938 – 2023), lover of astronomy and life

Dirk Goës

Norma Malone, an energetic member of Sydney City Skywatchers, sadly passed away earlier this year.

Our records show that Norma was endorsed as a member of the NSW Branch of the British Astronomical Association (BAA NSW) on 13 November, 1994. She was a regular attendee at talks and participant in telescope viewing nights at Sydney Observatory. She also served on the committee around 1998 for the BAA NSW, now called Sydney City Skywatchers (SCSW).

Past SCSW President Mike Chapman remarked "I remember Norma well, a very pleasant person, worked for Thomas Cook Travel and had some very interesting stories to tell at times. She was always very supportive of making the most considered decisions."

Image left: Norma Malone observing through the SCSW telescope.

Norma participated and enjoyed the social outings and Christmas parties and was always a pleasure to be around. Most recently Norma was at the 2022 end of year gathering in The Rocks, and a telescope evening held in Observatory Park on 21 March for the equinox. Image below (L to R): Elizabeth Cocking, Norma Malone, George Mavrocordatos (looking through the telescope) and other members in the background on Observatory Hill for an equinox telescope viewing event. Photo: T. Stevenson.

As well as astronomy she enjoyed the ballet and many other cultural events. Living in Annandale, close to the city, Norma was highly independent and able to get around to all of these and many other occasions by public transport and her compact car with ease.

Image above: 2007 BAA NSW Christmas Party held at Sydney Observatory: (l to r) Harry Roberts, Norma Malone, David Devenport, Sara Cabrera, unknown. Photo: N. Lomb

We do not have contact with her family and friends but hope they read this and know how important Norma Malone was to other members of Sydney City Skywatchers amateur astronomy association.


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