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From Ancient Egypt to the stars, Mon 7 Aug, 6:30pm

Dirk Goës

Brenan Dew, Centre Manager, Australian Space Discovery Centre.

Through the lens of his own career journey, Brenan will share the stories and learnings beamed directly out of the Australian Space Discovery Centre, leading conversations of “why space matters” and “space is for everyone”. Through this talk, Brenan will also highlight some Australian space achievements and some current goals of the rapidly growing space industry.

Bio: Brenan Dew leads a team of 25 Space Communicators at the Australian Space Discovery Centre in Adelaide, which is the education and public engagement arm of the Australian Space Agency. Brenan joined the Agency in 2021, bringing previous STEM education experience from the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. With a background in astronomy, astrophysics and history, Brenan also has a keen research interest in cultural astronomy.

This talk will be presented on Zoom on Monday 7 August, 2023, from 6:30pm. All members are sent a Zoom link and if you are not a member but want to join please email: 24 hours prior to talk.


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