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Eclipse Chasers : remarkable expeditions in Australia and the Pacific

Dirk Goës

Presented by Nick Lomb and Toner Stevenson

6:30pm Monday 6 March

Experiencing a total solar eclipse is a visceral experience, involving anticipation, adventure and sometimes disappointment.

Authors Nick Lomb and Toner Stevenson will feature some of the past eclipse expeditions as told in the recently released Eclipse Chasers book. Published by CSIRO, the book is about uniquely Australian eclipses, beginning with First Nations peoples' experiences.

The meeting starts at 6:30pm with members presentations and the keynote usually commences at 6:50pm.

Members are sent a zoom link a few days before. If you are not a member please email our secretary:

About the presentation

Nick Lomb's talk will highlight the remarkable eclipse expedition organiser and British aviation pioneer Francis McClean who, with assistance from Australian astronomers, observed the 1908 eclipse at Flint Island near Tahiti, the 1910 eclipse observed at Port Davey, Tasmania, and the 1911 eclipse observed at Vavau, near Tonga.

Toner Stevenson will follow with the efforts made by BAA NSW Branch members to observe the 1922 eclipse and the results of other expeditions. The upcoming 2023 eclipse in Exmouth will conclude the talk.


Astronomer Nick Lomb is an Adjunct Professor with the University of Southern Queensland and has guided Australians in all things astronomical for decades as author of the internationally best-selling Transit of Venus: 1631 to the present and the annual Australasian Sky Guide. Nick was the Powerhouse Museum/Sydney Observatory Astronomy curator for 30 years and since 2012 he has researched and written about the history of astronomy in Australia. Nick has experienced three total solar eclipses.

Toner Stevenson is an honorary History affiliate at The University of Sydney where she manages the School of Humanities. She has a Doctor of Social Sciences and her career in museums included Manager of Sydney Observatory. Toner is active in amateur astronomy and citizen science as past President, Sydney City Skywatchers (BAA NSW Branch) and member of the Royal Society of NSW and she has experienced six (and hopefully soon seven) total solar eclipses.

You can purchase 'Eclipse Chasers' online or from most bookstores after 1 March. Here is the official flyer with more information:


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