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Solar Observations: August 2019

Monty Leventhal OAM

Coronal Holes were observed at the end of July, beginning of August by Space - these are shown in the image above from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, recorded using very sophisticated imaging equipment.

However, through my telescope in the Southern Hemisphere the Sun appeared far less exciting and I observed it to be void of Flares, Filaments, Faculæ and Surges throughout the month. According to my observations the Sun continues to be very quiet as expected at this stage of the Solar Cycle.

No observation was made on the 1st August due to bad weather and on the 2nd, 3rd, 13th, 15th, 16th &.17th no activity on the Sun could be seen at all.

On the 4th & 5th only two very small faint Prominences could be seen on each day. But on the 6th a single Axx sunspot was observed in AR12747 at a latitude of 7° north and longitude of 197°. No further Sunspots were seen on the Sun for the rest of the month.

The only other activity that was seen were Prominences. These were mostly faint and small.

The most significant Prominences were on the 23rd when a single arched Prominence reached 74,000km in height, and on the 26th a single column Prominence on the NE limb reached 84,000km high.

Most other Prominences were small, faint and insignificant.

Due to bad weather no observations were made on the 1st 10th 11th 22nd 25th 28th 29th & 30th.

For the month of August a total of 23 observations were made with the remaining 10 days either cloud covered or rain.

The total average classification value was 0.0 and the relevant total Sunspot number was 0.

Monty Leventhal OAM

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