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Solar Observations: Dec 2018, Jan & Feb 2019

Monty Leventhal OAM

February 2019

For the month of February, 2019 it appeared to me that all Sunspot activity had ceased with all other activity remaining very low. A total of 18 observations were made with the remaining 10 days being cloud covered or rain.PROMINENCES.Prominences for the whole month were few and mostly faint.

Solar Diagram February 2019 Monty Leventhal

Most significant was on the 8th on the NW limb when a single unconnected arched Prominence reached a height of about 68,000km. A double Arched Prominence on the 24th reaching an approximate height of 84,000km also on the NW limb.No Flares were observed for the whole month.The Sun appeared to be clear of all activity on the 3rd 15th 17th 18th & 25th February.

January 2019

For January 2019 Sunspot activity continued to remain very low. Only 17 observations were made due to mostly bad weather, rain or cloud cover. On the 1st a new Dsi group of Sunspots were seen in the NW in AR 12732 and was last seen on the 4th as a Bxo group. Due to bad weather no observations were made until the 7th only to find the Sun was clear of Sunspots until the 24th. This was a Csi group in AR12733. The following day it had grown to an Eri group. It remained on the solar disk about 5 degrees north of the equator until the 28th. This in its self, in my opinion, shows that the Sun is close to a new cycle 25 which should start within the next six month to a year.


The only significant mound type Prominence was on the 17th reaching an approximate height of 37,000km.

The Sun was clear of all activity on the 8th 13th to the 16th and on the 30th.

No Flares were seen for the whole month.

December 2018

For the month of December, 2018 once again all Sunspot activity remained very low. A total of 22 observations were made with the remaining 9 days being cloud covered or rain.

The Sun was clear of Sunspots until the 5th UT (no observation was made on the 4th) when I observed in the SW a Dri group of Sunspot in active region (AR) 12729. This group remained on the solar disk until the 7th and by the 8th it had faded away. No further Sunspots were seen for the rest of the month.


Prominences for the whole month were few and mostly faint. Most significant was on the 6th on the SW limb when a single arched Prominence reached a height of about 37,000km. Another on the 15th reaching an approximate height of 56,000km on the NW limb and a double Arched Prominence on the SE limb to a height of about 37,000km. On the 28th a pyramid type Prominence reached a height of about 47,000km on the NE limb.

No Flares were observed for the whole month.

The Sun was clear of all activity on the 3rd 9th 16th 19th December.

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