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October Meeting - Wednesday

Dirk Goës

Please note that the Sydney City Skywatchers meeting for October is on WEDNESDAY 3rd October 2018

6:30 p.m. at Sydney Observatory (Discovery Room)

At this meeting we will be holding our Annual General Meeting

Your attendance is appreciated as a quorum is required to conduct the meeting.

This is a good time to have your say about SCS. Why not consider nominating for the Committee? New ideas are very welcome. You should have received the AGM Notice and Nomination Form by postal mail. For your convenience they are also attached.

Please Note: You must be a financial member to vote at the AGM.

As well we will have our special speaker . . . SCS member Adriano Massatani

Adriano Massatani preparing for the Total Solar eclipse 2017

High Resolution Imaging with Amateur Telescopes

Adriano Massatani presents the golden rules of astrophotography

Nowadays, with an amateur telescope and the latest CMOS camera sensors, it is possible to capture high-resolution images that were unimaginable until a few years ago. However, it is necessary to follow some golden rules in order push the equipment at its limit: good optics collimation, correct magnification, specific post-processing programs and the use of the technique of the lucky imaging for “freezing” the atmospheric turbulence. As result, it is possible to achieve images with a resolution of 0.5” that is equal to the size of a golf ball 17km away.

Refreshments will be served

The usual donation will apply SCS Members: $2.00 Non SCS Members / Visitors $5.00

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