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Live stream US Total Solar Eclipse 2017

Dr Toner Stevenson

On Monday 21 August there is a total solar eclipse in the USA. Three Sydney City Skywatcher members are observing the eclipse.

Adriano will be in Roberts, Idaho. At this location the eclipse will be total at 11:33 am. Idaho time and he will start the live broadcast event at 11:15am. That will be 3:15am on Tuesday 22nd August Sydney time and 19:15 of the 21st August Europe Time. Here is the link:

Toner and Ron are near Salem in Oregon. Maximum eclipse will occur at 9:58am Oregon time. We will not be able to live broadcast but will sent reports and images as soon as possible after the event.

Today was a little hazy but we are hoping for a clear sky for the eclipse. Here is NASA's eclipse weather map:

We have our glasses T-shirts and are raring to go! The photo below is of me at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, one of three observatories we have visited in our journey to the total solar eclipse.

Toner Stevenson at Griffith Observatory Los Angeles

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